Digital edition
immediately available as PDF
Stefan Plank
Der Kleine Prinz — Kurzversion
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Languages: Deutsch
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 184
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF
The Little Prince, a Symphonic Poem by Stefan Plank for Orchestra and Narrator
See with your heart - Dream with your
to the wisdom of the fox in the story of
The Little Prince, who discovered that
one can only see well with the heart,
Stefan Plank one day found that he could
only dream well with his ears. In his
new work for orchestra and narrator, he
invites the audience to immerse
themselves in his dream world and to be carried
away by the sounds of his imagination.
The role of the narrator, as the pilot
and storyteller, as well as the option
of staging with dancers, opens a unique
level of perception.
More information
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Languages: Deutsch
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 184