Alban Berg
Pierre Boulez once called Alban Berg "the last greenhouse plant of the late romantic period". This was meant in a very appreciative way. For in this way Berg also conceived his works in an impressive way, with an expressive glow always smouldering at the bottom. Artistic expression meant everything to Berg. It is not without reason that it is always pointed out that without Berg, Arnold Schönberg's Viennese School would have remained an elitist cause.
Alban Berg Critical Edition
Aufsätze, Vorträge und andere Texte - edited by Kordula Knaus
Order the Berg edition in subscription and save up to 20 % compared with a single edition!
It is sometimes not possible to clearly distinguish between the groups of works (especially between original and study works). The edition is arranged in such a way that all Berg's original works and all arrangements of his own works are published anew (or for the first time). The “arrangements” are independent versions of their own significance. The “study works” are also published, unless they are merely exercises.
The special nature of Berg's oeuvre suggests a division into three sections:
• II. Unpublished works - - youthful works and works written in class, which in a sense mark the conclusion of the composition course with Schönberg. This estate contains compositions that are primarily of developmental interest, above all the rich collection of "Jugendlieder".
• III. Musical Writings and Poetry -
• Series A: Music volumes
• Series B: Source report, revision report, documents on the genesis, edition of the sketches and the discarded early versions
The following volumes have been published up to now:
Series I.: Musical works
„I did not dream of wishing to reform the art form of opera by composing Wozzeck, nor was that my intention as I began to compose it; nor did I ever consider, assume or expect that the result would be an object lesson in what should be exemplary in creating another opera – either of my own or by another composer.“
UE 18152C - Lulu - Particell of Act 3 (Facsimile)
This edition was awarded the prize "Best Edition 2014" by the Association of German Music Publishers (Deutscher Musikverleger-Verband).
UE 18152D - Lulu - Particell of Act 3 (Commentary)
This edition is the commentary to the particell's facsimile edition (UE18152C). Alban Berg could not finish the instrumentation of the third and last act of his opera "Lulu" - Friedrich Cerha completed it decades after Berg's death.
Subscription price: € 59,95 £ 49,95 Single Single retail price: € 77,50 (D) £ 49,95
UE 18155a - Band 5/1: Chamber Concert, Score
Subscription price: € 202,95 £ 169,95 Single retail price: € 245,00 (D) £ 210,00
UE 18155B – Volume 5/2: Violin Concert, Complete Edition
Subscription price: € 93,95 £ 77,95 Single retail price: € 125,00 (D) £ 99,00
NEW: UE18165b – Volume 5/2: Violin Concert, Commentary
The musical text of the Violin Concerto was published in 1996 as part of the Alban Berg Complete Edition. This critical report describes and lists in detail all known musical sources. The report also contains a detailed history of the genesis of the work, commissioned by violinist Louis Krasner and written in the last year of Berg's life, based on annotated sketches. Also included is a comprehensive documentation of the genesis of the work in the form of letters and other biographical documents. Together, this makes this publication an indispensable and inexhaustible treasure trove for all performers or scholars, to explore one of the most important violin concertos of the 20th century.
No single retail price yet, only available via subscription. Register here.
Volume 6: UE 18156 - Orchestral Songs (Seven early songs, 5 Orchestral Songs Op. 4, Der Wein), Score
Subscription price: € 151,95 £ 126,95 Single retail price: € 185,00 (D) £ 160,00
Series II: Unpublished works
Subscription price: € 225,95 £ 189,95 Single retails price: € 275,00 (D) £ 235,00
Volume 2/2: Compositions from the Student Years, Part II
UE 18172b - Instrumental Music and Choral Works 2 - Einzelne Stücke, Variationen, Sonatenentwürfe
Subscription price: € 344,95 £ 286,95 Single retails price: € 415,00 (D) £ 360,00
Series III: Musical Writings and Poetry
UE 18181 Volumn 1: Analysis of musical works by Arnold SchoenbergSubscription price: € 118,95 £ 99,95 Single retail price: € 145,00 (D) £ 125,00
The music volumes of series I and II are published in the format 27.1 x 37.5 cm on wood-free sheet music offset paper and are bound in full cloth. The text volumes of series I and II as well as all volumes of series III are published in the format 23.2 x 30.5 cm on wood-free sheet music offset paper and are bound in full cloth.
Alban Bergs works
Alban Berg
Lulu - Particell des 3. Aktes (Faksimile)
Alban Berg
Lulu - Particell des 3. Aktes (Kommentarband)
Alban Berg
Instrumentalmusik und Chöre
Alban Berg
Instrumentalmusik 2 - Einzelne Stücke, Variationen, Sonatenentwürfe
Alban Berg
Analysen musikalischer Werke von Arnold Schönberg