Mauricio Sotelo
De Celeste y Oro
Duration: 7'
De Celeste y Oro
Translation, reprints and more

Mauricio Sotelo
De Celeste y OroOrchestration: für solo Violine
Type: Noten
Sample pages
Work introduction
These short pieces for solo violin entitled 'De celeste y oro' were born, like a flight of imagination, almost suddenly, from the inspiration and emotion caused by my first conversations with the violinist Lina Tur Bonet, to whom this music is dedicated. Her perspective of music, the shared interest in the symbolic framework of so many scores, her vision of 'Música Alchemica', as well as her sublime interpretations of some Austrian composers, as is the case of the '6 partite per violino solo' by the violinist and composer Johann Joseph Vilsmayer (1663 – 1722). At the end of our first telephone conversation, all these reasons led me to throw myself on paper to write the first of these pieces 'in one go'. Strangely powerful music arose in my head, inspired by that fruitful conversation. I hope listeners perceive all the richness of nuances that these pieces contain. A key: from a symbolic horizon, the colours Celeste and Oro correspond to the notes Sol ('G', in German) and Mi flat ('Es', in German). The dedication reads: 'To Lina Tur Bonet: Light blue and gold'. Each small phrase of the score carries an indication of expressive nuances such as appassionato, delicatissimo, amoroso, dolcissimo, deciso, pieno, 'Campane', sostenuto, 'solare', 'collana danzante'... that force the performer to intense concentration in the production of micro-qualities of sound.
Work commissioned by CNDM 21/22
First performance MNCARS 28 march 2022.
Lina Tur Bonet • Violin