Christian Dimpker
*29 August 1982
Works by Christian Dimpker
Christian Dimpker is a composer and art theorist with academic studies in Philosophy, History and Sound Studies as well as a doctoral dissertation in Musicology / Composition. Dimpker’s compositions explore unconventional fields of notation. This is enabled by an extensive notation system for extended playing techniques and electroacoustic music. This treatise with the title Extended notation: The depiction of the unconventional has been released by the LIT Verlag publishers. Currently, Dimpker further extends this research to the fields of visual arts, theatre and movement. The monograph Kinetic notations for the visual and performing arts forms the basis of this work. Scores are published by Universal Edition Vienna. Residencies inter alia at Cité des Arts Paris, EMS Stockholm, Asia Culture Center, Tokyo Arts and Space, Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen. Grants by the Berlin senate, German government, E.ON foundation, Lotto foundation, German Artist Fund, Musikfonds, GEMA. Performances in Germany, Japan, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, the USA, Australia and South Korea (International Contemporary Ensemble / Contemporary Insights / Elision Ensemble / Ensemble 2e2m / Ensemble Resonanz). Scores are distributed by the Universal Edition. Engraving works include Helmut Lachenmann’s Schreiben for Breitkopf & Härtel and teaching assignments have been held in the UK, Germany, Hong Kong and Sweden.
About the music
I consider notation an autonomous art form that is not limited to the field of music, while I strive to push its boundaries. This compositional work may be regarded as research that explores the shape of this world. And the deeper my work explores this complexity, the more beauty I discover. A big part of this research has been made possible by developing an extensive notation system for unconventional playing / singing techniques and electroacoustic music. This treatise with the title Extended notation forms the basis of all my compositions. Currently, I am extending my notational work to the visual arts, choreography and the theatre. I have just finished the comprehensive treatise Kinetic notations for the visual and performing arts in order to be able to work in this way.