Dimos Stephanidis
*17 January 1957
Works by Dimos Stephanidis
Dimos Stephanidis was born on January 17th, 1957 in Athens. In his home country he studied piano, harmony, counterpoint and fugue. In 1978 he continued his studies in Darmstadt (Germany) in piano, harpsichord and composition. Important stations (composition commissions, selection): 1995: Premiere of the first piano sonata "To the victims of Hiroshima" with the composer at the piano. The autograph of the sonata is in the Hiroshima City Hall. Commissioned by the city of Hiroshima. 1999: World premiere of the literary opera "I see you in a thousand pictures" in Gasteig, Munich. 1999: Premiere of "THEATRIKON" 1 in the Royal Festival Hall in London. 2002: Germany premiere of "THEATRIKON" 1 in the Alte Oper in Frankfurt a.M. 2006: Premiere of “THEATRIKON” 4 in Tokyo Bunka Kaikan under the direction of the composer. 2012: Premiere of the third piano sonata in Darmstadt. Dimos Stephanidis lives and works as a freelance composer in Darmstadt
About the music
It is very difficult for me to talk about myself whatever. My musical language is free atonal. More rarely also polytonal. The melodic line is very important to me and also, the rhythm. Each piece must contain elements that remain with the listener immediately, even if the piece has only been heard once. The same is true when I sometimes work with a twelve-tone row. Always try to harmoniously follow my own path. The search for something new is therefore also an exciting matter with every new piece. I've written pieces that are complicated and I've also written pieces that are easier. In both cases, the impression should never arise that a tone is unimportant or that it is there by chance. It is very important to emphasize: I don't write atonal and polytonal music because “this is how people write today”, but out of conviction.