

Tilmann Dehnhard
Dehnhard: The New Flute for flute with DVD, for flute with DVD
Release info:
An introduction to modern flute techniques such as flute beatboxing, sing & play, bisbigliando, whistles, glissando and more.
Winner of the National Flute Association Award 2014
Type: Lehrmaterial mit DVD
Languages: Deutsch | Englisch
Difficulty: 5 - 8
Format: 232 x 305 mm
ISBN: 9783702471668
Pages: 128
ISMN: 979-0-008-08497-3


This workbook and DVD will galvanize anyone into action who wants to learn and apply contemporary flute techniques. Everything from beatboxing on the flute to high speed trills is included. Tilmann Dehnhard's confidence-building approach and helpful, practical advice will ensure good progress in this exciting genre and enhance the self-assurance to improvise and experiment. Each chapter is complete in itself and working through the book from the beginning is not required. Specific skills can be worked on in any order - just as you please. All of the exercises in the book are demonstrated on the DVD which is invaluable as they are bringing to life the techniques explained in the book.
- New, popular flute techniques such as Flute-Beatboxing, Sing & Play and many more
- Improvisational approach to new sounds - play, experiment and explore
- All exercises are demonstrated on the DVD by Tilmann Dehnhard, bringing to life the techniques explained in the book
- Useful material for practising, playing and teaching
- Individual chapters are independent of each other and can be worked on in any order
- Additional material for printing out is provided on the DVD
The new book “Flutebeatboxing” (UE36619) complements the Fluteboxing chapter in Tilmann Dehnhard's “The New Flute” and contains Comprehensive practice and performance material for the popular Flute-Beatboxing technique.
Legende • Symbols and signs
Search & Find
Groove und Unabhängigkeit • Groove and Independence
Silver Lining
Big C
Echte Whistles • Whistle tones
Unechte Whistles • Ghost tones
Silver Threads
Zusätzliche Tongeneratoren • Additional sound generators
Perkussive Artikulationen • Percussive articulations
Klappengeräusche • Key clicks
Glissando-Kombinationen • Glissando combinations
Pentatonik • Pentatonics
Gliss is Bliss
Obertöne • Harmonics
Zirkularatmung: Vorübungen • Preparatory exercises
Zirkularatmung auf der Flöte • Circular breathing on the flute
Zirkularatmung: Und nun die Finger • Circular breathing: And now about the fingers
Quarter Chromos
Flatterzunge • Flutter tongue
Rückwärtssound • Reverse sound
Chromatische Abschattierungen • Microtonal shadings
Akkord-Tremolo • Chord tremolo
High-Speed-Triller • High speed trills
Pars pro Toto
Trompetenansatz • Trumpet embouchure
Geräusche ins Rohrinnere • Sounds into the inside of the flute
Zigarettenblättchen als Resonator • Cigarette paper as resonator
Unteres Ende der Flöte verschließen • Closing the bottom end of the flute
Flöte verlängern • Extending the flute
More information
Release info:
An introduction to modern flute techniques such as flute beatboxing, sing & play, bisbigliando, whistles, glissando and more.
Winner of the National Flute Association Award 2014
Type: Lehrmaterial mit DVD
Languages: Deutsch | Englisch
Difficulty: 5 - 8
Format: 232 x 305 mm
ISBN: 9783702471668
Pages: 128
ISMN: 979-0-008-08497-3