

Gustav Mahler
Mahler: Symphony No. 8 Eb major for 3 soprano, 2 alto, tenor, baritone and bass soloists, childrens choir ad lib. double satb choir and large orchestra
"Symphony of a Thousand"
Klavierauszug von: Josef Venantius von Wöss
Herausgeber: Karl Heinz Füssl
Text von: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Maurus Hrabanus
Thematische Analyse von: Richard Specht
Release info: Based on the Critical Complete Edition of the Complete Works, published by International Gustav Mahler Society, Vienna.
Type: Partitur
Series: Mahler Gesamtausgabe
Languages: Deutsch | Lateinisch
Format: 208 x 275 mm
ISBN: 9783702406776
Pages: 232
ISMN: 979-0-008-02436-8


Audio preview
1. Teil - Hymnus: Veni, creator spiritus
2. Teil - Schlussszene aus „Faust“
More information
Release info: Based on the Critical Complete Edition of the Complete Works, published by International Gustav Mahler Society, Vienna.
Type: Partitur
Series: Mahler Gesamtausgabe
Languages: Deutsch | Lateinisch
Format: 208 x 275 mm
ISBN: 9783702406776
Pages: 232
ISMN: 979-0-008-02436-8