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Ilona Brege
REQUIEM AETERNAM - 1st part of the Requiem for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and symphonic wind orchestra
Type: Dirigierpartitur
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 12
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF


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Requiem for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and symphonic band is composed during years 2009-2010.
Two first parts Requiem aeternam and Dies irae were performed on 10th of April 2009 in Riga, St. John Church.
The completed REQUIEM world premiere was on 25th of March 2010 in the Riga Cathedral. Sonora Vaice (soprano), Ingus Petersons (tenor), State Academic Choir "Latvija", Riga Chamber Choir "Ave Sol", Riga Professional Symphonic Band, conductor Andris Poga. Following performances of the Requiem were conducted by Martins Ozolins (2012) and Valdis Butans (2019).
Music critic Ievina Liepina wrote in the newspaper Kulturas forums that "the stylistic code or key to the main expression of the Requiem by Ilona Brege is provided by the first part Requiem aeternam - the significant bell sounds filling the orchestra and choir create an open, emotional space, to which nationality gives a national charm: so to speak, you are not lost or misguided, but are known and are expected!"
The concert recording of Requiem aeternam is published in CD "New Music from Latvia. 2011 (LMIC 027).
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Type: Dirigierpartitur
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 12