Digital edition
immediately available as PDF
Mark Vigil
Sonata #3
Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 32
Digital edition
immediately available as PDF
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It is a fortuitous circumstance that the contemporary classical music world has not forgotten nor abandoned the music genre of the piano sonata. This workhorse has weathered generations of unending stylistic change. The piano sonata maintains its respectability and viability as an expressive and relevant art form. Its equivalence or worth as a declaration of a composer’s aesthetic and its unwavering value as a tool for the development of musical ideas their germination and growth, has proven through time, its obvious viability and that it can withstand the test of time. The piano sonata seems to have an affinity with music history in that it has remained steadfast and intact throughout all classical music revolutionary generations.
Traditionally, the first movement of a piano sonata is in sonata allegro form. Personally I like this convention. Sonata allegro form always brings out the best in me as a composer. It satisfies the requirement of formal balance growth and development, need for invention, maturity, and to have decisive conclusions.
I’m sure the piano sonata aided in every composer’s growth and development.
This piano sonata Piano Sonata #3 is in three movements. The sound sample provided is an excerpt from the third movement.
The page size is formatted to A4.
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Type: Noten
Format: 210 x 297 mm
Pages: 32