Maurizio Agostini
*13 November 1978
Works by Maurizio Agostini
Maurizio Agostini was born in Florence in 1978. He graduated in piano at the Conservatorio di Musica “L.Cherubini” (Florence) under the guide of M° G. Cardini. He studied composition with M° S. Sciarrino and studied conducting with M°C.M.Giulini. Since 2008 he is “direttore musicale di palcoscenico” at “Teatro di San Carlo” in Naples. He works as conductor as well. As Composer spaces from the Symphonic to the cameristic music. Some of his compositions have been published: the Operas Mandragola (2004, OTOS edizioni musicali) and Fedra (2006, OTOS edizioni musicali), Parafrasi da concerto for piano solo (2006, Curci edizioni musicali); Messa di Requiem in memoria di Giovanni Paolo II (2007, Curci edizioni musicali) and the cantata Mysterium Matris Mariae (2014, MAP Edition); the children opera Chichibìo e la gru (2020, M&P ed.)
About the music
personal style