Digital edition
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Dimos Stephanidis
Mariä-Variationen für Klavier (2018)
Type: Noten
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 26
Digital edition
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Dimos Stephanidis
Mariä – Variationen für Klavier
I already composed the theme of the "Mariä Variationen" in 2004, as a birthday present for a friend of mine named Maria
Fourteen years later I composed the twelve variations on this theme. The work is dedicated to my "Youthful friend" Maria Vassiliadis.
She was apparently very shy, but when you talked to her a little longer, qualities came out, like the playfulness, the childlike, the funny, the dancing and also the energetic.
All these qualities were hidden behind her shyness.
These traits of character, which were very fascinating for me, I try to reproduce through the variations.
The name "Mariä" instead of Maria, means noble in this case.
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Type: Noten
Format: 297 x 420 mm
Pages: 26