Hikaru Suzuki
6 Stücke nach Bildern von van Gogh
for piano
Duration: 26'
6 Stücke nach Bildern von van Gogh
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Hikaru Suzuki
6 Stücke nach Bildern von van Gogh Available digitally
Orchestration: für Klavier solo
Type: Noten
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Work introduction
These pieces were not created directly from specific paintings by van Gogh. I looked at various paintings and was inspired by the colors and his painting technique.
1. Usuao: Pale blue
2. Moegi-iro: Yellowish-green
3. Tenten: Points Points. Van Gogh has painted with a lot of points.
4. Ki-iro: Yellow
5. Fukaiao: Deep blue
6. Guruguru: Swirl. He also has used swirls.