Mauricio Kagel
Duration: 50'
Dedication: dem sechsten Sinn
Instrumentation details:
min. 60 non european plucking-, wind-, string- and perc. instruments
ad lib.: 1-2 Stereotape recorders with 2-4 loudspeaker zur Wiedergabe maybeer tapeeinspielungen.
Kagel - Exotica for 6 singing instruments with 10 or more non-european instruments
Translation, reprints and more

Mauricio Kagel
Kagel: Exotica for non-european instrumentsOrchestration: for non-european instruments
Type: Partitur
Sample pages
Audio preview
Work introduction
Scored for ‘non-European instruments’, Exotica was a commission for the 20th Olympic Games in Munich, 1972. The first performance took place under the direction of Mauricio Kagel, and the instrumentalists included such wellknown new music personalities as Vinko Globokar, Siegfried Palm, Christoph Caskel and Michel Portal. The six participants had to ‘manhandle’ around 200 wind, string and percussion instruments wholly unknown in Europe. Werner Klüppelholz’s programme note makes the composer’s intention clear: he wanted to question ‘the dominance of Western music or “culture”’ or ‘go back to the primeval origins of music-making, when singing was still at one with making sound out of simple, everyday objects’.