Jean-Pierre Vial
*24 February 1946
Works by Jean-Pierre Vial
Jean-Pierre Vial is a French, self-made composer, born near Paris, France, in 1946.
He used to play the piano and the organ, and to compose several "juvenile" pieces for both instruments.
With a scientific background, however, he undertook to work for the software industry.
Over the last decade, after a career as a software designer, he has renewed his compositional activities and composed various pieces for solo instruments, small ensembles, or orchestras who posted a number of his worldwide premieres on YouTube.
He received composition awards for such works as his Præludium & fuga MMXVIII for organ, or his chorale Vor Johann Sebastian, tret ich hiermit for string orchestra.
About the music
(Neo-)classical music.
Most compositions use instruments regularly involved in symphonic orchestras like winds, strings, or keyboards. A few scores, however, involve an "unusual" instrument like oud, glissotar, taishōgoto, or nickelharpa. Quite a few scores involve voice, percussion, or electronics.
Jean-Pierre Vial's compositions represent about 120 pieces, seven hours and 1,100 pages of music, not including instrumental parts or various transcriptions.
From his website, you can download many little pieces, licensed under Creative Commons License, for free.